XLPack Numerical Library (C API) Reference Manual
No Matches
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level
Common routines
A. Arithmetic, error analysis
A3. Real arithmetic
A4. Complex arithmetic
C. Elementary and special functions
C1. Elementary functions (integer-valued functions)
C2. Elementary functions (powers, roots, reciplocals)
C4. Elementary functions (transcendental functions)
C4. Elementary functions (complex transcendental functions)
C19. Other special functions
R1. Machine-dependent constants
Module 1 (Real linear solve, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition)
D1. Elementary vector and matrix operations
D1a. Elementary vector operations: BLAS1
D1a. Elementary vector operations: BLAS2
D1b. Elementary matrix operations: BLAS3
D1b. Elementary matrix operations: norm of matrix
D2. Solution of systems of linear equations
D2a. Solution of systems of linear equations (general matrices)
D2a. Solution of systems of linear equations (general matrices) - Driver routines
D2a. Solution of systems of linear equations (general matrices) - Computational routines
D2a3. Solution of systems of linear equations (triangular matrices)
D2b1a. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric matrices)
D2b1a. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric matrices) - Driver routines
D2b1a. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric matrices) - Computational routines
D2b1b. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric positive definite matrices)
D2b1b. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric positive definite matrices) - Driver routines
D2b1b. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric positive definite matrices) - Computational routines
D2b2. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric positive definite banded matrices)
D2b2. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric positive definite banded matrices) - Driver routines
D2b2. Solution of systems of linear equations (symmetric positive definite banded matrices) - Computational routines
D4. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors
D4a1. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (symmetric matrices)
D4a1. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (symmetric matrices) - Driver routines
D4a1. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (symmetric matrices) - Computational routines
D4a2. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (general matrices)
D4a2. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (general matrices) - Driver routines
D4a2. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (general matrices) - Computational routines
D4b1. Generalized eigenvalue problems (symmetric matrices)
D4b2. Generalized eigenvalue problems (general matrices)
D5. QR factorization
D6. Singular value decomposition (SVD)
D9. Singular, overdetermined or underdetermined systems of linear equations, generalized inverses
D9a. Overdetermined or underdetermined systems of linear equations (unconstrained)
D9b. Overdetermined or underdetermined systems of linear equations (constrained)
Z1. Test matrix generation
Module 2 (Complex linear solve, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition)
D1. Elementary vector and matrix operations (complex)
D1a. Elementary vector operations: BLAS1 (complex)
D1a. Elementary vector operations: BLAS2 (complex)
D1b. Elementary matrix operations: BLAS3 (complex)
D1b. Elementary matrix operations: norm of matrix (complex)
D2. Solution of systems of linear equations (complex)
D2c. Solution of systems of linear equations (general matrices) (complex)
D2c. Solution of systems of linear equations (general matrices) (complex) - Driver routines
D2c. Solution of systems of linear equations (general matrices) (complex) - Computational routines
D2c3. Solution of systems of linear equations (triangular matrices) (complex)
D2d1a. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian matrices) (complex)
D2d1a. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian matrices) (complex) - Driver routines
D2d1a. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian matrices) (complex) - Computational routines
D2d1b. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian positive definite matrices) (complex)
D2d1b. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian positive definite matrices) (complex) - Driver routines
D2d1b. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian positive definite matrices) (complex) - Computational routines
D2d2. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian positive definite banded matrices) (complex)
D2d2. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian positive definite banded matrices) (complex) - Driver routines
D2d2. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian positive definite banded matrices) (complex) - Computational routines
D4. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors (complex)
D4a3. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (Hermitian matrices) (complex)
D4a3. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (Hermitian matrices) (complex) - Driver routines
D4a3. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (Hermitian matrices) (complex) - Computational routines
D4a4. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (general matrices) (complex)
D4a4. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (general matrices) (complex) - Driver routines
D4a4. Ordinary eigenvalue problems (general matrices) (complex) - Computational routines
D4b3. Generalized eigenvalue problems (Hermitian matrices) (complex)
D4b4. Generalized eigenvalue problems (general matrices) (complex)
D5. QR factorization (complex)
D6. Singular value decomposition (SVD) (complex)
D9. Singular, overdetermined or underdetermined systems of linear equations, generalized inverses (complex)
D9a. Overdetermined or underdetermined systems of linear equations (unconstrained) (complex)
D9b. Overdetermined or underdetermined systems of linear equations (constrained) (complex)
Z1. Test matrix generation (complex)
Module 3 (Special functions, nonlinear computation)
C. Elementary and special functions
C3. Polynomials
C5. Exponential and logarithmic integrals
C6. Cosine and sine integrals
C7a. Gamma functions
C7b. Beta functions
C7c. Polygamma functions
C7e. Incomplete Gamma functions
C7f. Incomplete Beta functions
C7g. Riemann zeta function
C8. Error functions
C10a. Bessel functions
C10b. Modified Bessel functions
C10d. Airy functions
C11. Hypergeometric functions
C13. Jacobi elliptic functions
C14. Elliptic Integrals
F. Solution of nonlinear equations
F1a. Roots of polynomials
F1b. Solution of single general nonlinear equation
F2. Solution of a system of nonlinear equations
G. Optimization
G1a. Unconstrained optimization of a general univariate function
G1b. Unconstrained optimization of a general multivariate function
G2. Constrained optimization of a general multivariate function
J1. Trigonometric transforms including fast Fourier transforms
J1a1. One-dimensional real fast Fourier transforms
J1a2. One-dimensional complex fast Fourier transforms
J1a3. One-dimensional trigonometric fast Fourier transforms
J1a3. One-dimensional quarter trigonometric fast Fourier transforms
J1b. Multidimensional fast Fourier transforms
K1. Least squares approximation
K1b1. Nonlinear least squares approximation
K1b2. Constrained nonlinear least squares approximation
Module 4 (Interpolation, quadrature, ordinary differential equations, random numbers)
E. Interpolation
E. Interpolation (Polynomial interpolation)
E. Interpolation (Hermite / cubic spline interpolation)
E. Interpolation (B-spline interpolation)
E3a3. Quadrature involving fitted functions
H2. Quadrature (numerical evaluation of integrals)
H2a1a. One dimensional finite interval quadrature(fixed number of points)
H2a1a. One dimensional finite interval quadrature (automatic quadrature)
H2a1b. One dimensional finite interval quadrature (tabulated integrand)
H2a2a. One dimensional finite interval quadrature (special integrand)
H2a3a. One dimensional semi-infinite interval quadrature
H2a4. One dimensional infinite interval quadrature
I1. Ordinary differential equations (ODE's)
I1a1. Initial value problem of ordinary differential equations (for non-stiff problem)
I1a2. Initial value problem of ordinary differential equations (for stiff problem)
I1a1. Initial value problem of ordinary differential equations (for non-stiff problem) (DEPRECATED)
I1a2. Initial value problem of ordinary differential equations (for stiff problem) (DEPRECATED)
L6. Random number generation
L6a5. Exponential random numbers
L6a7. Gamma random numbers
L6a14. Normal random numbers
L6a21. Uniform random numbers (Mersenne-Twister)
L6a21. Uniform random numbers (Lagged Fibonacci method)
L6a21. Uniform random numbers (Linear congruential method)
Module 5 (Sparse matrices)
D1. Elementary vector and matrix operations
D1a. Elementary vector/matrix operations: BLAS
D1a. Elementary vector/matrix operations: BLAS (Complex)
D1b. Other matrix operations
D1b. Other matrix operations (Complex)
D1b9. Matrix storage mode conversion
D1b9. Matrix storage mode conversion (Complex)
D2. Solution of systems of linear equations
D2a4. Solution of systems of linear equations (General matrices) (Iterative methods)
D2a4. Solution of systems of linear equations (General matrices) (Iterative solvers)
D2a4. Solution of systems of linear equations (General matrices) (Preconditioners)
D2b4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Symmetric matrices) (Iterative methods)
D2b4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Symmetric matrices) (Iterative solvers)
D2b4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Symmetric matrices) (Preconditioners)
D2c4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Complex general matrices) (Iterative methods)
D2c4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Complex general matrices) (Iterative solvers)
D2c4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Complex general matrices) (Preconditioners)
D2d1b. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian matrices) (Iterative methods)
D2d4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian matrices) (Iterative solvers)
D2d4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Hermitian matrices) (Preconditioners)
D2a4. Solution of systems of linear equations (General matrices) (Direct methods)
D2c4. Solution of systems of linear equations (Complex general matrices) (Direct methods)
D4. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors
D4a7. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
D4a7. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (Complex matrices)
D6. Singular value decomposition (SVD)
I2. Partial differential equations
N1. Input, output of data
R2. Check matrix data
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