XLPack 6.1
C/C++ API リファレンスマニュアル
LAPACK: http://www.netlib.org/lapack/ SLATEC: http://www.netlib.org/slatec/ MINPACK: http://www.netlib.org/minpack/ (※1) Acknowledgment - This product includes software developed by the University of Chicago, as Operator of Argonne National Laboratory CMLIB: Center for Computing and Applied Mathematics, NIST FFTPACK5: http://www2.cisl.ucar.edu/resources/legacy/fftpack5 (※2) Mersenne Twister: http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/mt.html Boost: http://www.boost.org/ Cephes: http://www.netlib.org/cephes/ Fn: http://www.netlib.org/fn/
D. Kahaner, C. Moler, S. Nash, "Numerical Methods and Software", Prentice-Hall (1989) 森正武, 「FORTRAN77数値計算プログラミング」岩波書店 (1987) D. E. Knuth, “The Art of Computer Programming Third Edition, Vol. 2 / Seminumerical Algorithms”, Addison Wesley Longman (1998) E. Hairer, et al., “Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I”, Springer-Verlag (1993) (※3) E. Hairer, et al., “Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II”, Springer-Verlag (1996) (※3)
(※1) Minpack Copyright Notice
(※2) FFTPACK5 Copyright Notice
(※3) Ernst Hairer Copyright Notice