1. How to obtain and use example worksheets
Where to obtain example worksheets / Structure of example book / How to use example worksheets
2. System of linear equations
Examples of solving systems of linear equations using worksheet function WDgesv and VBA subroutine Dgesv.
3. Eigenvalue problems
Examples of solving eigenvalue problems of symmetric matrices using worksheet function WDsyev and VBA subroutine Dsyev.
4. Linear least squares problems
Examples of solving linear least squares problems using worksheet function WDgels and VBA subroutine Dgels.
5. Interpolation
Examples of computing interpolation by cubic spline function using worksheet functions WPchse and Wpchfe and VBA subroutines Pchse and Pchfe.
6. Algebraic equations (roots of polynomials)
Examples of solving algebraic equations (finding roots of polynomials) using worksheet function WRpzero2 and VBA subroutine Rpzero2.
7. Solution of nonlinear equation
Examples of solving a single variable nonlinear equation (finding a root of arbitrary one-dimensional nonlinear function) using VBA subroutine Dfzero and XLPack solver.
8. System of nonlinear equations
Examples of obtaining real solutions of a system of general nonlinear equations using VBA subroutine Hybrd1 and XLPack solver.
9. Nonlinear optimization of univariate function
Examples of solving a nonlinear optimization of univariate function (finding a minimum point of general one-dimensional nonlinear function) using VBA subroutine Dfmin and XLPack solver.
10. Nonlinear optimization of multivariate function
Examples of solving a nonlinear optimization of multivariate function (finding a minimum point of general multidimensional nonlinear function) using VBA subroutine Optif0 and XLPack solver.
11. Numerical integration
Examples of numerical integration (quadrature) using worksheet functions WPchse and Wpchia, VBA subroutine Qag and Qk15, and XLPack solver.
12. Ordinary Differential Equations
Examples of solving an initial value problem of ordinary differential equations using VBA subroutine Derkf and XLPack solver.
13. Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
Examples of fast Fourier transform (FFT) computations including power spectrum analysis using worksheet functions WRfft1f and WRfft1b.
14. Nonlinear least squares problems
Examples of solving nonlinear least squares problem using VBA subroutine Lmdif1 and XLPack solver.